Transformers Ecto-1 Hasbro Ectotron


"To Cybertron! Oh well nvm..."

To commemorate 35 years of both Transformers and Ghostbusters Hasbro made the iconic Ecto-1 Cadillac becoming an hero for the second time: Ectotron! Yes, with 22 moves you can convert from car to robot (Autobot of course). If you are a 80's fan and a pop culture lover this is your call.

Ectotron is 7 inches high (approx 23 cm) and comes with his own proton pack and a figure of Slimer, the naughty ghost. This set was on pre-order a couple of years ago and was sold only in selected shops that were different for USA and Europe. Luckily we are not in 2019 anymore and every collector can now grab this mashup directly from Amazon.


Price for a new set is 60$ - €. The box graphic is inspired by the old G1 Transormers from your beloved childhood and i can assure you that there is more than meets the eye.
