Texas Instruments Speak and Spell

In the 80's every kid had one of these amazing electronic toys: even if it's production started in the late 70's, the Speak and Spell has been created by the american Texas Instruments and sold all over the world with different names. It have 4 different games, some of them with the possibility to increase the difficult level. It's obvious that this is an educational toy made for kids, starting from three years old, so it has to be solid and with a clean design. It features an eight letters green fluo display, a big handle and the Speak and Spell could also interact with kids thanks to a speaker and a big keyboard too.

If you never had one but you are wondering where you saw it well, i bet it was on Steven Spielberg E.T.


Now out of production, this retro toy is kinda easy to find in every country (different country, different body color) and it's a great thing to have if you collect 80's goodies. The price tag for this glorious toy is about 35$ - 45€ for a loose one in great conditions and could reach 80$ - 100€ for the complete boxed version. Believe it or not, on ebay i also saw it signed by E.T. actors!
