Jurassic Park Game

"The Movie Thrilled You! The Game Will Chill You."

Parker Brothers released this board game, for 2-4 players, in 1992 based on the first Jurassic Park movie: the box is huge and it contains an extra large board, with cardboard buildings, stand up characters and 16 plastic dinosaurs (T-Rex, Spitters and Velociraptors). You can move yourself and a random dinosaur each turn; with the help of  46 game cards you can faster your escape route from the island. In this game you can't kill with the dinosaurs, they only slow you down, so i saw a lot of people changing some rules on geek forums, like: "you have to empty your drink if the T-Rex reaches you" - adults only!! Seems funny :)
Race to Escape Their Jaws and Claws! Dinosaurs Live Again at Jurassic Park - the Thrilling Island Theme Park That Has Real Dinosaurs Roaming the Earth! Your Tour Ride's Stopped in the Middle of the Park. Somethings Gone Wrong! The Dinosaurs Aren't in Their Pens and They're Hungry...For You! Race Across the Island Gameboard to Reach the Visitor Centre First.But Watch Out For the T Rex,the Raptors and the Spitters! Oh No! The Dinosaur Die Shows a Raptor!It Springs a Surprise Attack! Quickly Play a Card to Escape or You're it's Dinner Tonight!

The price for this classic game is around 25$ - 20€ for a poor, or missing pieces version, but it can easily reach 50$ - 45€ for a very good condition one. Ebay offers auctions and buy it now, but pay attention to the price: i saw excellent condition ones reaching up to 180$ - 160€ on Amazon; maybe is better to grab a complete set for about 45$ - 40€ in very good condition and save up for the next purchase; but if you are a collector...
